Things to do in Isfahan – Our favourite city in Iran
Here are our suggestions on things to do in Isfahan, one of the most beautiful cities of Iran. Read our post to find out why we think so!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / footprints across asia, iran, isfahan, travel / 1 Comment
Here are our suggestions on things to do in Isfahan, one of the most beautiful cities of Iran. Read our post to find out why we think so!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / 0 Comments
Our recommendations on things to do in Shiraz which include the Persepolis, Bishapur, Chogan Gorge, Parsagade and more!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / footprints across asia, iran, qeshm island, travel / 0 Comments
Our experience on visiting the Geopark (Namakdan Cave and Chahkooh Canyon) at Qeshm Island, one of our most breathtaking and sublime experiences ever!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / culture shock, footprints across asia, iran, travel / 1 Comment
Our experience on what it was like travelling in Iran, getting used to the culture shocks and our answer to whether Iran is safe for travel.
sunriseOdyssey / Iran / haram, Haram-e-Razavi, iran, mashhad, vali homestay / 0 Comments
Our first stop in Iran, Mashhad, the holiest city. Our experience on visiting the holy Haram-e-Razavi and we were privileged to be able to enter the Golden Dome!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue, Uncategorized / iran, kaluts, kerman, shahad desert / 0 Comments
One of our most amazing experiences ever, visiting the humongous natural sand castles Kaluts in the Shahad Desert of Kerman, camping under the beautiful night sky and enjoying the most glorious sunrise ever!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / couch surfing, footprints across asia, iran, travel / 1 Comment
This was our first experience of couch surfing in Iran and it was one of the best that we’ve ever had! This family definitely affirmed the saying that Iranians are the most hospitable people ever!
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, travelogue / architecture, bazaar, footprints across asia, iran, travel / 0 Comments
We have always been fascinated with the intriguing beauty of the bazaars in Iran. The wide array of items sold, the stunning architecture, the vibrant colours of different spices and products and simply just soaking in the atmosphere!
sunriseOdyssey / Armenia, blog, Footprints Across Asia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, travelogue, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan / central asia, footprints across asia, iran, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, travel, turkmenistan, visa / 3 Comments
Our experience on applying for visas to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran & Armenia. Includes useful tips, the location of the embassy, documents needed, how long it took and the difficulty level of applying for the visa.
sunriseOdyssey / Iran, popular / architecture, ceilings, footprints across asia, iran, travel / 0 Comments
Absolutely gorgeous ceilings that we witnessed when travelling Iran. Next time when you travel Iran, don’t forget to look up!
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The grand question of it all when it comes to Central Asia, where in the world is it? The next grand question of all is, is there even anything to do there? Well, we were asking ourselves the same question, because honestly before we embarked on this trip, we have also never heard of these(…)
If you’re deciding which churches to visit in Armenia, here’s our take on the 10 most beautiful churches in Armenia that you must visit.
Absolutely gorgeous ceilings that we witnessed when travelling Iran. Next time when you travel Iran, don’t forget to look up!
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